Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Full Energisation

Dealing with multiple opponents is a situation where you need something more than power, strength and technical solutions. Energy is the ingredient that is almost always missing when you watch people dealing with multiple attackers.

Defining what is meant by Full Energisation is somewhat of a challenge. It is not based on a set of techniques, it does not have a shape and it is not a technical solution. At its simplest, the following guiding principles have to be maintained at all times:

1. never get caught up fighting an opponent/s resistance,
2. always maintain freedom,
3. always maintain an accelerated system,
4. you need to fully activate,
5. always pressure the source of an opponent’s attack
6. always seek to get back into darkness and real time.

Full Energisation is about tapping into that something extra, call it vitality if you like. When you see it you will recognize it. Footwork becomes the dominant force, rapidly moving the whole body as a unit, always pressuring the opponent, and never getting caught up in their resistance.

Acceleration of the whole body does not stop during the encounter and that is why there is no technical approach when you use a Full Energisation strategy. This is quite different from what is typical in the martial arts where usually an exponent will slow to use power, strength, leverage, etc. via a technique.

Speed changes with strength and power usage i.e. as the person attempts to use more power, strength, leverage, etc. the speed of their whole body moving from one point / location to another, will slow down. Alternatively they cannot use strength and power if they wish to maintain their speed. One is occurring at the expense of the other.

For example a person might shoot their whole body forward to take the opponents legs but they then have to slow in order to grapple with their opponent and use power, strength, leverage etc. Exponents employing these strategies cannot be Fully Energized for the whole of the battle.

While strength, power, speed, leverage and technique will produce good outcomes against a single opponent, against multiple opponents the technical solutions start to fail. The greatest effect of Full Energisation comes through disrupting the opponent’s visual attention and their focus on you. This is one of the main reasons why Full Energisation is an option worth exploring, particularly for dealing with multiple opponents.

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