If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him. The Tao that cannot be named is not the eternal Tao. Whatever your concept of the Buddha or of the real Tao is, you can be assured that it is an image you need to kill, so keep practicing and move on.
You can apply the same principle to your martial arts. In a fight against multiple opponents, movies give students an idealized image of perfection. However, when the student tries their skills out against a group in the training hall, they can barely get past the first opponent. The solution for many instructors is to ensure the training is highly controlled so that students get a technical answer that somewhat lessens their fear of a group attack, but is never tested.
Many students are happy enough to scratch the itch of what to do against multiple attackers and put it safely back in the 'too hard' basket. Others practice the drills their system assures them will translate into battle.
I say 'if you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him'. A higher functioning group will test whether your idealized solutions will actually work or not. My guess is that they won't.
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