Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Multiple Attackers and the Challenge for the Martial Arts

This blog will be devoted to the topic of unarmed defence against multiple attackers. It's a subject in the arts that I've always been enthusiastic about, and I think it has a lot of potential that is yet to be realised.

Every martial art has strategies for dealing with multiple attackers and most students will experience some training in how to deal with the situation. Whether they ever get to the stage where they believe they could successfully handle a group of attackers is another matter.

One of the problems in learning how to deal with multiple attackers is getting the right experience from your training. The first thing I would recommend is that you train the group of attackers so that the individual gets a more challenging training experience.

If you want to know where you are really at in your progress in dealing with multiple attackers then a good group is vital. The more pressure they can provide the individual, the more the skills and strategies of the individual are tested to see whether they are ‘real’ or not.

There are basic strategies that anyone can learn that will enable them to maintain a sufficient degree of safety against multiple attackers, and will satisfy their aspirations or concerns in this area of the arts. There is the possibility of doing much more in the multiple attacker space if you are dedicated enough.

As always with group work, train safely and under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

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